About Us

It all started as such a distant dream, to be honest. If two years ago someone would have told us that we would be writing an About Us page for an art brand, we wouldn’t have believed them. But the universe has a way of bringing each one of us exactly where we need to be, and it's a million things aligning together that have brought us where we are today. 

At Pouls.of.Art, we pride ourselves as a creative brand for all art enthusiasts, offering a varied range of art and art products that celebrate every emotion and binary of life; inspires one and all to "Be Heartful, Be Artful!" For our founder, Poulomi, art came as a saviour in a very difficult period in her life, and since then, it's been her attempt to carry forward and send out the same joy it has brought her to everyone who resonates with her work. 

Characterized by the perfect fusion of mythology, folk art and contemporary art forms and styles, our space seeks to address the contemporary world, with social constructs like gender and sexual identities constantly being deconstructed and subverted. Pouls.of.art carries in it the modernness of our times with an old world heart, the perfectly imperfect fusion of the past and the present.

Every Pouls.of.art painting and product features original artworks of our founder Poulomi and carries a sense of opportunity for all of you to continue to find and tell your stories through art. Whether you’re looking for original pieces of art, limited edition pieces of creative representations, beautiful art prints, customized merchandise or bold statement pieces overflowing with meaning and imagery, Pouls.of.art has something for everyone.

A self-taught artist, Poulomi was born and brought up in UP with Bengali parents, who were born and brought up in Bihar, she grew up in a multicultural ethos, with a prominent interest in culture and mythology which she inherited from her father. Being an ardent lover of art since childhood, Poulomi, with a research degree in English literature and a diverse work background in university teaching, started her art journey during COVID-19 lockdown. A year into it, she quit her job as a professor to focus on setting up her own art brand with every bit of her heart, soul and sweat.

Her work seeks to explore every dimension of distinct art styles, balancing both modern and contemporary elements in it. Poulomi  currently works and lives in Gurgaon with her family,  two beautiful dogs, lots of books, art pieces and big dreams!


About the team:

Pouls.of.art as an online brand is run by a group of kind and dedicated individuals who share Poulomi's views and aesthetics and constantly strive to unlock new potential and possibilities.

With products proudly made in India, we are based out of Gurgaon and serve clients worldwide. 

We all share the belief that art belongs to everyone, making our brand a democratic space where everybody, irrespective of age, gender or status, can find something according to their taste and budget. 

At Pouls.of.art, we treat our customers with utmost love and strive to turn your personal vision into reality.

Our team is always there to help you through anything you want to know, be it about our customized paintings and merchandise process or ordering something artful. We are so glad you are here, stay awhile and enjoy!